Convenient Truck and Trailer Parking in Cleveland

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Never pay for what you don't need

Box Truck
12 x 40
Drive Up
Truck Parking
Semi - Truck
12 x52
Drive Up
Truck Parking

Contact-free Truck Rentals

You can rent your truck or trailer parking here on our website, get your facility access code and go right to your space. All From your mobile device or computer. 


1- Complete Agreement Online
2- Make Your Payment
3- Get Access & Move-in

A Great Location to Serve You Better

Never pay for what you don't need

Your Ultimate Guide to Truck Parking in Cleveland: Discover, Explore, and Park with Ease!

Welcome to Cleveland, truckers! If you're rolling through our vibrant city looking for a spot to park your rig, you've hit the jackpot. Our top-notch truck parking facility at 799 E 73rd St isn't just a place to park; it's your gateway to exploring what Cleveland has to offer. Buckle up as we guide you through everything from snagging the safest spot for your truck to discovering the coolest spots around town.

Why Cleveland Truck Parking Rocks

First things first, let's talk about parking your big wheel. At Cleveland Truck Parking, we've got what you need – security, location, and peace of mind. Imagine parking your truck in a spot where you can chill knowing your ride is under 24/7 watch. Sounds good, right? But wait, there's more! We're smack dab in the middle of some of Cleveland's coolest places. So, once you're parked, the adventure begins.

Driving Directions

  • From the East: Take I-90 W to E 72nd St exit in Cleveland. Follow signs for E 72nd St N and merge onto S Marginal Rd. Turn left onto E 72nd St. Turn right onto St Clair Ave. Turn left at the 3rd cross street onto E 73rd St. Destination will be on the right.
  • From the West: Take I-90 E to exit 174 for E 55th St. Merge onto South Marginal Road. Turn right onto E 55th St. Then turn left to St Clair Ave. Turn right onto E 73rd St. The Destination will be on the left.
  • From the North: Head south on I-77. Take exit 163 then turn left to E 55th St. Then, make another left onto St Clair Ave. Turn right onto E 73rd St. The Destination will be on the left.
  • From the South: Take I-77 N to exit 162 for I-490 W toward Toledo. Take the exit toward E 55th St. Merge onto E 55th St. Then turn left to St Clair Ave. Turn right onto E 73rd St. The Destination will be on the left.

Landmark Locations

Nearby Neighborhoods

So, there you have it, folks! Cleveland Truck Parking is more than just a spot to park your truck. It's your starting line for adventures in and around Cleveland. Whether you're here to rest or explore, we've got you covered. Safe travels, and see you soon!

Cleveland OH

799 E 73rd St
Cleveland, OH 44103

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Wide Variety of Units
Click to Rent Now

Ready to get a unit?

Cleveland Truck Parking can help you with all your Truck and Trailer Parking needs in and around Cleveland OH call today to reserve your unit.
 216-600-1656[email protected]Get Started



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